Q1: Palindromes
Adapt your solution from the “palindromes” question so that instead of writing palindrome?(“foo”)you can write “foo”.palindrome?
My Example Code
# add new method to String class
class String
def palindrome?()
s = self.downcase.gsub(/\W*/,"")
s == s.reverse
# or we can use method_missing
class String
def method_missing(m,*args,&block)
# m is method name(a symbol), use id2name or to_s
# self is foo in this case
if m.id2name == "palindrome?"
s = self.downcase.gsub(/\W/,"")
s == s.reverse
# if no match here, retrun to ancestor
puts "foo".palindrome? # => false
word = "foof"
puts word.palindrome? # =>true
Q2: Enumerable Palindrome
Adapt your palindrome solution so that it works on Enumerables. That is:
[1,2,3,2,1].palindrome? # => true
(It is not necessary for the collection’s elements to be palindromes themselves - only that the top-level collection be a palindrome.) Although hashes are considered Enumerables, your solution does not need to make sense for hashes (though it should not produce an error).
My Example Code
module Enumerable
def palindrome?
if self.kind_of?(Array)
self == self.reverse
temp = self.to_a
temp == temp.reverse
a = [1,2,[1,2],2,1]
b = [["a"],"b","b",["a"]]
puts a.palindrome?
puts b.palindrome?
Q3: Cartesian Product (use yield)
Given two collections (of possibly different lengths), we want to get the Cartesian product of the sequence - in other words, every possible pair of N elements where one element is drawn from each collection.
For example, the Cartesian product of the sequencesa=[:a,:b,:c]
is:a×b = [[:a,4],[:a,5],[:b,4],[:b,5],[:c,4],[:c,5]]
Create a method that accepts two sequences and returns an iterator that will yield the elements of the Cartesian product, one at a time, as a two-element array.
- It doesn’t matter what order the elements are returned in. So for the above example, the ordering [[:a,4], [:b,4], [:c,4], [:a,5], [:b,5], [:c,5]] would be correct, as would any other ordering.
- It does matter that within each pair, the order of the elements matches the order in which the original sequences were provided. That is, [:a,4] is a member of the Cartesian product a×b, but [4,:a] is not. (Although [4,:a] is a member of the Cartesian product b×a.)
To start you off, here is a pastebin link to skeleton code (http://pastebin.com/cgSuhtPf) showing possible correct results. For your convenience the code is also shown below
class CartesianProduct
include Enumerable
# your code here
# Examples of use
c = CartesianProduct.new([:a,:b], [4,5])
c.each { |elt| puts elt.inspect }
# [:a, 4]
# [:a, 5]
# [:b, 4]
# [:b, 5]
c = CartesianProduct.new([:a,:b], [])
c.each { |elt| puts elt.inspect }
# (nothing printed since Cartesian product
# of anything with an empty collection is empty)
My Example Code
class CartesianProduct
include Enumerable
def initialize(arr_1,arr_2)
@arr_1 = arr_1
@arr_2 = arr_2
def each()
if block_given?
len1, len2 = @arr_1.size, @arr_2.size
(0...len1).each do |i|
(0...len2).each do |j|
element = [@arr_1[i],@arr_2[j]]
yield element
return "Blcok missing!"
c = CartesianProduct.new([:a,:b,:c], [4,5])
c.each {|elt| puts elt.inspect}
puts c.each